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Friendship sms

FriendShip sms

[2011-10-25 01:09] i91:

Few Relations in Earth Never Die.Want 2 know
What it is? Read again.. (F)few ®relations (I)in
(E)earth (N)never (D)die

[2011-10-25 01:06] i91:

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is not only made for lovers;its also for friends
who luv each other better than lovers!! By Pretty

[2011-10-25 01:00] i91:

Friendship is a silent gift of nature..
More old .. more strong..
More deep.. more clear..
More close.. more warm..
Less words.. more understanding.. From Fun

[2011-10-25 00:58] i91:

Friendship is a language spoken by heart... not
written on paper, not given by pledge... it is a
promise renewed everytime we keep in
touch...Take Care...

[2011-10-25 00:55] i91:

A deep friend is like rainbow, when the perfect
amount of happiness and tears r mixed, the result
is a colorful bridge between 2 hearts.

suBmIt u MeSsAgE

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